
Just some thoughts on drumming, teaching, performing, and being a working musician in NYC

While I was back home for the holidays I went and saw the most recent Star Wars movie (The Rise of Skywalker) with my nephew. I...don' the critics say, I love the classic hero's journey storyline no matter what, even with annoying animatronics. It has existed since the beginning of time, and most likely will exist forever, in...

It's exciting to write blog posts that relate directly to my students, this being no exception. One of my absolute favorite things to witness as a teacher is to watch my students level up, an inexact term perhaps by intent, but indisputable when happening. In this specific case, the leveling up is making the plunge to play with other people,...

For me, recording yourself is one of those steps that levels up a beginner incredibly fast, and beyond invaluable for anyone looking to improve their skills. Let me explain how vital, and how easy this is.

The majority of ideas I get for blog topics come directly from student questions and/or common challenges I notice. Every single student of mine has asked me this question in one way or another, and that is "How do you figure out a drum beat just from listening to it"?

As I've been steadily increasing my number of students, one main hesitation that consistently comes up time after time is "I have no experience", so I dedicate this post for all who may have had that same thought, which I suspect is a large amount of you. Thankfully, this is actually a welcome comment for me because it opens...